Tuesday, August 30, 2011

All the In Between

As I mentioned, August was full of visitors and fun. Here are a few pictures from all of the in between moments.


North Beach, Racine WI


One of the best things about having Josh off was that he was able to take the big boys to do fun things. They spent many afternoons at this beach. All of the sand in our vehicle will vouch for me.


We haven’t had much rain lately, but with the one big storm that did come through came the pleas to play in the puddles. Now, if I were the only one home with the kids those desperate cries would have fallen on deaf ears, but lucky for them, daddy was home and gave them just what their freshly bathed bodies hoped for. That’s right they had just got out of the bath, and daddy said yes. I would have said, “Absolutely not!” which is why it’s good we have dads; they help uptight moms remember that some things are more important than clean bodies, and extra laundry that may be produced by “fun”.

DSCI0543When Jenn was here she showed Will the app on her i-phone that shows you the constellations in the sky. Will thought it was so cool that he went out and decided to find his own constellations in the stars. It was so cute. He sat outside for 45 minutes or so looking up to the sky, and documented all of the things he found and then named them. Sometimes, he is such a cool kid.

Last but not least…


In between all the family and fun, there was always time to love on the baby.

1 comment:

AnnaMarie said...

I love the puddle pictures, how cool! Yes, thank goodness for Daddies. I'm glad Jameson had such a good welcome!