Friday, November 7, 2008

"I'm Back!"

Josh did the most wonderful thing ever for me yesterday. He sent me an email earlier in the day and said that he had been thinking a lot about my birthday. Strange. My birthday isn't until the 29th, and well, given his track record, I certainly wasn't expecting that. Last year, we went all day (he was even home) without so much as a mention of my birthday. My visiting teacher brought me flowers, and when he came up from his office to eat dinner (at 6:00pm) he noticed them, and said, "What's with the flowers? Is it a special occasion or something?" I had been quiet all day, but I could bite my tongue no longer, and I blurted out- "Are freakin' kidding me? It's my birthday!" What did he do? Laughed, and then laughed harder. He left right after dinner and went to buy me a card. In his defense he was inundated with homework and preparation for finals, so if I were in his shoes I likely would have done the same thing.
Well, he made up for it this year. On his way home from work he stopped at all of the nearby gyms to check out prices, and then was going to sign me up, but wanted to run it by me so that I would be happy with the choice. This is the best birthday present ever! Now that it is getting dark at 4:30 and my kids start getting crazy about then, it is so nice to know that I get that break EVERY NIGHT to go and work out after dinner. It's not just the gym membership, but his wanting me to have that time. Very thoughtful. I have been without a gym for 5 years now, and it was a beautiful reunion there last night, and the best part was when I came home, the boys were both in bed, and I didn't even have to get them there.


Kali said...

Points for Josh!! :)
I work out in the evening, too and it's HEAVEN to leave and come home to a quiet house! YAY Megan...Happy Early Birthday (cuz I will probably forget by the 29th!)

AnnaMarie said...

I'm so jealous, Megan. Especially because I'm guessing that because Josh & Tyler are at the WAC right now, that that's where you got your membership. Good for you!

Darcy said...

Wish you went to Bally's so we could be workout buddies...I am a work out loner right now.