Every mom I know can relate to this. You are bustling around your house trying desperately to check some things off of that never ending "To-Do" list, all the while your kids are swarming under your feet creating havoc and mayhem. If they aren't whining they are being insane. Even with this, you manage to tune out the madness and keep going. Then, miraculously, the kids seem to kind of disappear. You notice this because you just finished something without having to do it three times over because they were there undoing what you had just done. Where could they be? What on earth are they doing? I suppose a better mom than me would actually go find the answers to these questions. Not me! Before I get all crazy and go chasing after them I stop and listen for screaming (not whining, but real screaming--there is almost always whining) I take a quick sniff of the air, and as long as nothing stands out as either fire or poop, I switch into hyper-drive to get as much done in this moment as possible. I will deal with whatever has occupied them later. Most of the time I just find a huge mess, but every once in a while I see something like this that just makes me go, hmm? (Isaac is the culprit linked to these particular events, but Will has been known to produce some real doozies as well)
That made me laugh
You have some ingenious little kids!
It is always scary at my house when the kids are being quite! I like you most of the time try and finish what I am doing before finding them!!!
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