Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Big Bums!

Yesterday the boys and I were at the pool with Tyler and AnnaMarie (our friends from down the road) and Will made an observation. He had been jumping in the water, and was heading over to the stairs to walk out and jump in again, when he noticed something. Two older women were getting into the pool, and they were each standing on a stair. As he passed the first lady, he slowed and cranked his head back and said, "Wow! Look at that big bum." I immediately started hurrying him up the stairs, knowing that the next comment out of his mouth was inevitable, and sure enough as he passed the next lady on the steps, he said, "Ooh, look! another big bum!" I don't know if the women actually heard him or not, but I thought it better just to pretend like nothing had happened. The picture I've added is not the actual women's bums. Can you imagine? Before we leave the pool I ask them if they don't mind if I grab a quick butt shot for my blog post-ha, ha. No that was purely good fortune to come across a very realistic representation of what prompted Will's observation. It was too funny. Definitely one of those moments when you know you shouldn't be laughing, but who can help it. I'm sure that the day will come when he turns on me, and notices how big my bum is...then who will be laughing, right?

1 comment:

Kali said...

I will tell you right now, I like reading your blog. I'm glad you started one!