Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ooh, Mommy, Look! Look!

We were at the park this afternoon, and I was pushing Will on the swings. There were some middle-eastern girls next to us with scarves wrapped around their heads. One girl's scarf was white, and when Will noticed her, he said, "Ooh, Mommy, look! look! It's the Holy Ghost!"
That made me snicker.


Kali said...

Thanks for sharing that story. It made me smile! What a clever little boy. :)

AnnaMarie said...

That's the funniest thing since he said, "Whoa, big butt!" at the pool that one time. :) Miss you so much already. I gave Katie a smartie today (after she peed on the potty! She did wander around pant-less for 15 minutes before going, but hey...) and she said, "Thank you, Megan treat!" :)