Thursday, July 3, 2014

Where Was I...

I’m just going to jump right in and pretend that it hasn’t been nearly a year since I posted anything.  Humor me and pretend that the only things of note in the last 10 months or so were that Jameson turned 2 (He’ll be 3 in 15 days) and that we moved. 

If that were really the case, then I wouldn’t be so overwhelmed by even starting down this road.  Truth is, I feel like we have lived through enough stuff in the last 10 months to spread out over a decade and still feel like life was full.  So, I’ll start fresh, and work my way back.  I can’t say that I , personally, would hate to forget any of it (some of it, I definitely would) but its important for my kids to realize what absolute rock stars there parents are Winking smile so bit by bit I’ll get to it.


It was 8 years ago that Josh and our friend Sean drove from Utah to Wisconsin (I flew with a nearly 2 year old Will and a 2 month old Isaac) to begin our time at MCW.  Sean drove Josh’s Maxima (which we don’t have anymore) and Josh drove our 4-Runner (which we also don’t have anymore) with a little U-Haul trailer attached to it.  Fast forward 8 years, and we managed to acquire a lot more junk, and even a couple more kids.  So after 8 long years in Wisconsin we loaded up this moving truck with Josh’s new car being towed on the back on a trailer, and I drove the kids in the minivan as we set out on our two day drive to our new home in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina!


(our rental house)

I think I’ll do better to not forget anything important if I actually catch up the blog by going back to just after Jameson’s birthday and filling in the details from there.  I’d like to say that life has settled and calmed down now that the move is behind us and Josh has started in the hospital, but that just so not true.  If you’re dying to know how we got from Jameson turning to, Charleston, stay tuned!


AnnaMarie said...

Oh, I'm tuned in!

The Gray Gang said...

Beautiful home!!! I hope your kids are settling in well and that you're meeting some awesome new friends. Can't wait to hear more.