Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Of all of our stops, our trip to Boston was hands down, the winner! One of the coolest cities I have ever been too. For those of you who know me well, realize that means almost nothing, because I am not well traveled, so take this with a grain of salt, but it was by far my favorite place on the whole trip.
Unfortunately, I am too lazy to post these pictures in any real order, so jumbled will have to work.

This was possibly the most exciting thing that the boys did the whole vacation. This is us riding the 'T' (Boston Subway). We didn't really need to ride it, but Josh was sure that this would be worth it for the boys and it was! They loved it. I would have loved it had the train not got fuller with each stop, forcing me to stand, holding our TWO strollers, which trust me, no seasoned subway rider appreciates you having on a train, while extra ripe armpits were waved in my face by my fellow, sweaty riders. That's just the kind of mom I am though, I'll take a sweaty pit in the kisser if it means my boys are full of joy.

One of the benches along the "freedom trail". If you have never been to Boston or if you have, but have never walked this trail, be sure to do it. Even with kids, and not having a ton of time to read about each place, it was well worth it. It takes you through some of the coolest places in Boston.

Josh on the one of the Navy ships.

Street performers at Faneuil Hall.

Quincy Market

Bunker Hill Monument. You can climb to the top of that tower, and we did, when I say we, I mean I did while carrying what felt like all 200lbs of Giggies on my back because he was "too sweaty", and then poor Josh did it twice. There are 294 narrow, windy steps that coil to the top. I had headed up with Giggies, and yelled to Josh to join us as we headed in. At about step 250 I heard Josh behind me offering to take Giggies. I replied, "oh no, that's ok, you have Will" Josh's quick response, "no I don't" WHAT?! Neither of us had Will, so down Josh went to find Will. Anyone who knows us and knows Will is not surprised by this story. He was safe and sound at the bottom with a friendly park ranger keeping him company. Some kid's parents!

Me teaching Will the story of Paul Revere. He loved it, and now affectionately refers to him as a hero.

Us in the Boston Common, with part of the city skyline behind us.
We have a ton more pictures that we took while in the city, but too many to blog about. Before visiting there when Josh would bring up the possibility of a move there someday, I was sure the answer was a firm NO. If we had the funds, I would go in a heartbeat. I heart Boston.


AnnaMarie said...

I'm so glad you liked Boston...maybe we'll get there someday. I love all your stories, especially the one with Will chatting up the park ranger. I can see that. Keep 'em coming, I know you're not done yet!

H. said...

It's so fun to read your blog. I love the way you have with words. The story about Will at the bottom of the monument is funny, and the phrase in your other post about taking a sweaty pit in the kisser for your kids was perfect! I'm glad you had such a good trip.