Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Will’s Christm…er…Holiday Concert

Will’s 3rd grade class had their holiday concert.  It definitely was not a Christmas concert.  There were no signs of the baby Jesus anywhere in that one!  Last Thursday, I loaded up JJ and Jo, and we headed over to be filled with holiday cheer.  I brought the camera, and thank goodness I did, or else Josie wouldn’t have been able to document what an amazing program it was.


First there was this…


Then they did this….


Ooh!  I’m so glad she got one of this!


This song was just lovely…


Thanks, Jo, for being so perfectly two during this concert, so we can always have these memories Smile

I did manage to wrestle the camera away for one quick group shot, before the shrieking started…


Fa La La La La!

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