Friday, October 15, 2010

Sundae Store

This was a very successful FHE we did this week.  It is not my idea originally, so I can’t take the credit for it.

Ever since my boys have become friends with little boy a few doors down, Sunday’s have been a fight.  Every Sunday morning begins with me waking up the boys, and then them lamenting Sunday’s and saying, “Sunday?!  I hate Sunday!”  They know this means going to church and being reverent for 3 hours, and then no playing with friends.  So, introduce Sally Sunday, owner of the Sundae Store.

The point is to set up a sundae store where the kids can come in and order their sundae’s.  I had two groups of toppings.  One group that was appropriate for a sundae and the others that are also toppings, but not for ice cream.  i.e.:  ketchup, pepperoni, ranch dressing.  I chose all toppings that my boys like, and then began assembling their sundae’s while choosing from the second group.  On cue they would shriek, “Ketchup!  Not on a sundae!”  After we finished this and everyone had the sundae of their dreams we made a list of things that are not for Sunday’s and ones that are.  They loved it, and called me Sally Sunday all night.015

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Jen I said...

That's a cute idea. We just did a keeping the Sabbath day FHE holy this week too. I think I should save that one till they're older though - my kids love ketchup so much they probably wouldn't understand or care that it's totally gross on a sundae.

AnnaMarie said...

So cute! That is a really good one!

Carrie said...

That is a way cute idea! My kids seem to relate to those object lessons so much better!

Charis said...

Super Mom!!! Can I be like you when I grow up?