Thursday, May 27, 2010

5 Weeks Old, and All is Well

Baby girls have such an unfair advantage over baby boys. How can you resist a little creature with an over-sized flower attached to their head?!

The Josinator
Josie Update: Josie had a well check appointment yesterday and she is doing great. She is now 8lb 4 oz and 21 1/2 in long. She started out at 6lb 6oz and 18 in, so she is doing well. She is still a very good baby. Josh would argue that she isn't as good as I think she is, but that's because she and I are super tight since she is at my side 24/7--it's expected that she is better for mommy than daddy, right? First thing in the morning, just after she has eaten and been changed, we can get a couple of really good smiles out of her. So cute. It helps a lot to have waited 4 years for this one, because I can appreciate all of the cute baby moments instead of being consumed with all of the chaos that exists with kids under the age of 2.


Kali said...

Sorry you invited got lost in the mail...dang USPS! :)

AnnaMarie said...

Seriously...the bows & flowers do make babies cuter. I'm already considering what I can do for a boy should I have one some day...lots of cute hats, I think.