Another family home evening idea in case anyone is wondering. We have been focusing on kind words and actions in our house lately. I must admit that I am blessed for now, because the most serious insult my boys can typically muster is to call you a burp. I know--not even a real insult, but to them it is very serious. They also use it in it's verb form when they are trying to be forceful by threatening to "burp you". Nonetheless, not very nice, so we did this family home evening about being kind, where we taught the Golden Rule, and explained that when we are kind to someone it is like putting candy in their cups, where if we are mean it is like filling their cups with rocks. We kept them out for a couple of days, and it all went well, and the message seemed to really sink in, until about day 7 when it all changed. Now instead of threatening to give you a good burping, they may threaten to rock you. I tried.
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