For the last month we've been dangling a big piece of bait in front of Will. Our interaction would go something like this, "Will, if you get your jammies on quickly and run up to your bed, we'll go bowling!" As the responsible parents that we are, we realized that we had carried this bribe on to the point of almost ineffective, since Will was beginning to drop his request to Heavenly Father that he could go bowling soon out of his prayers. He had given up hope :( So, I made a chart of 10 final good things he had to do to earn the big bowling party, and he successfully completed each one, so we ventured off into the land of stale cigarette smoke and funky disco ball wall paper for our first trip bowling as a family. Josh and I are tempted to quickly offer this reward again for good behavior, because we had such a good time too.
As a side note: neither Josh or I had bowled since we were in highschool. I expected my own game to be a disaster, since the past is a pretty good indicator of the future. However, I can say with complete certainty that nobody was expecting the outcome of yesterday's game. I spanked him! All game long I was bowling better than him, but not dramatically enough that he couldn't pull off a miracle, and he almost did. Picture it--Josh gets up to bowl in the 10th frame and he bowls a STRIKE. (eek, I'm pulling at my shirt collar a little) he gets up for his next turn and bowls ANOTHER STRIKE (uh-oh) thankfully, the third turn was just change, no strike.
This still put me in a tough position. There is no way that I was going to get up and bowl strikes in my 10th frame, right? Well, not one but TWO STRIKES later for me, and I had more than cemented my victory. Final score: Megan 130 Josh 106. Maybe next time, Josheroo :)
I was wondering who you were calling "Pinheads" when I saw the title of your post. Ahhh, now I get it. Good Game Megan! Tension at the ending, just like all good games should have. And for future reference, I think Wauwatosa is all smoke-free now, if you can find a bowling alley up there.
So you two weren't using bumpers were you? With all that strikeage going on I have to wonder... Just kidding. Looks like fun. Will is such a cutie!
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