Tuesday, August 13, 2013

So Much…Too Much = Too Long



Whew!  Between now and the last time I wrote, so much  has happened.  I suppose that is to be expected when you don’t write for months and months.  This post has been weighing on me for some time now.  It’s been like that feeling I get when I know I need to schedule a dentist appointment or it’s time to renew car registrations.  Just yucky.  Not because life is yucky, but because I know I’ve already missed too much and I won’t have the energy to actually write it all, so it’s yucky to know I’ll just gloss over things.  Too many things, big things, like:  Josie turned 3, and Isaac turned 7,  Josh became a real life brain scientist—Dr. Brown, it’s official, Jameson turned 2, and Will turned 9, and Josh turned 33.  It all just happened.  Boom!  Just like that.  My whole family got older…except for me (suckas Winking smile)

How did it happen?  First, Josie left my camera on the ground.  I, not thinking for one second that it would be under my foot, stepped on it and broke it.  No pictures make for boring blogs.  Second, the boys were rough housing while watching football highlights on the computer, and yanked the whole darn thing to the ground.  Broken computer makes posting, umm, impossible.  Third, I’m too tired most nights to care.  That’s right, I said it, I know I should be all broken up about not keeping a better record for posterity sake, but on some days, my current posterity makes me feel like most of this is just best forgotten.  (I kid, kind of)

So, in order of occurrence:

Josie turned 3.  Her birthday was nearly 4 months ago, and I can’t even remember what we did yesterday, so the details may be sketchy.  I’m sure it was filled with fun, and laughter.  I guarantee she loved her presents, although I can’t remember even one thing we gave her so…Happy Birthday, Jo!

What I can say is that Josie is a little momma, through and through.  She follows me everywhere.  I try to sneak away, but she is quickly at my heels calling out, “Hey Mom! (all angry like) Where are you going?”  She bosses her brothers around all the time, and they are pretty good to just listen to her.  If you don’t, it can get ugly.  She spends her days riding her scooter, or her bike, and playing hopscotch outside.  She is definitely the princess and the diva in our house.  We love her!

Isaac turned 7.  I’m going to say ditto to what I wrote about Josie’s b-day to describe Isaac’s, only Isaac probably didn’t love all of his gifts.  I’m sure we disappointed him some how.  Comes with the territory when you have a 7 year old kid who includes a two-seater go-cart on his wish list.  I don’t even know where to start to describe Isaac right now.  He is smart as a whip.  Clever and quick.  All of which make him awesome and oh-so-rotten at the same time.  He is tenacious, and does everything full steam.  When Josh and I watch him play football, or hit a golf ball or swing a baseball bat he never ceases to amaze us with all the power he can put into it.  Best I can figure is it’s a middle child thing.  A lot of pent up aggression from not being heard or seen near as much as you want.  I can safely say that, I’m a middle child too.

As for the rest of the list, to be continued.  The worst part about this hiatus is not that I missed the big things.  One day, when Josie is 25, we will know that she turned 3 at the appropriate time in history.  So what if I don’t remember the presents she got!  The worst part is missing all of the small things in life that make you laugh, scream, cry, sigh, and feel grateful to be able to do it.  So, I leave tonight with one of those. 

The other day, I was in the bathroom getting ready, and Josh walked in to blow his nose.  He picked up a roll of toilet paper from the sink.  This particular role had obviously gotten wet and then dried at some point.  This conversation then followed:

Josh:  What happened to this toilet paper?

Me:  It got wet (with a devilish look flashing across my face)

Josh then proceeds to unravel some from the role, and then pauses…

Josh:  What kind of wet?

To which I answer with a smirk, raised eyebrows and a shrug of my shoulders, as a rambunctious two year old scurries under our feet.

I knew what kind of wet, and I love that we have been blessed to be in a position where our lives cause us to pause and wonder if we are blowing our noses on toilet water soaked toilet paper.  It’s exciting isn’t it?!


AnnaMarie said...

Funny. :)

Kali said...

I love when you blog! You are so witty!! Congrats to you guys for finally being DRs!!! :)