Monday, March 26, 2012

Favorite View



This is one of my favorite things to see.  I love walking into a room and see Jameson sitting there, folded in half.  Sitting up seems like such a grown up thing to be able to do, and it is adorable when they are still so little.  My parents used to say that they knew it was time to have another baby because their current baby  lost their cute neck?  I’ve never known what they meant by this.  I’ve never viewed the baby neck like them, but I think for me it might be when they are no longer cute just because they are sitting up in the middle of the floor.  I suspect that I will find Jameson’s sitting cute for a good long while!


He spotted me.  He does more than just sit too!  He is 8 months old now, and he has been crawling for a couple of weeks.  He pulls up on EVERYTHING and has begun cruising around furniture.  Thankfully, despite his increased mobility he has managed to hang on to all that cute baby J chub.  He is an overachiever when it comes to teething.  He cut his two bottom teeth a while ago, and instead of taking them one or two at a time after that he is currently cutting 6 teeth simultaneously!  His great ambition has come at a personal cost to me and my sleep, however.  His hair is coming in blonde which is new for us.  Maybe he’ll really shock us and besides being our first blondie he’ll be our first obedient one too! Winking smile


*More on the other family members soon.  We are recovering from a triple whammy on the stomach flu around here.  I was part of the affected…it stinks when mom gets sick, for everyone, but especially for mom.  Josh remarked that he is grateful that I’m feeling better because, (and I quote…) “it’s hard keeping the house clean!”  amen, Josheroo, amen.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Midnight Madness



DSCI0880Kisses from Mommy.

DSCI0881Thanks Sweet J for returning the favor.


As I type this post tonight, sure enough, it is after midnight.  These pictures, however, were not taken tonight.  They could have been taken on any number of nights over the last couple of months.  Jameson’s sleep schedule is wackadoodle!  But I make myself feel okay about it because I figure he realizes that as number 4 it’s his only opportunity for one-on-one time with his mommy.  If only I could get the other 3 to decide that their preferred wake up time wasn’t during the 6 o’clock hour, then I’d be golden.  Until then, maybe a little sleepy.

I’ve mentioned before that Josh is working oh so hard lately.  He still is.  A lot.  When he and I get to touch base at the end of a long day, we both look at each other and often times one of us will say that something’s got to give.  Well, it has.  On a rare night I climbed into bed at the same time as Josh.  I was cuddled up next to him, and his foot brushed against my leg.  I kid you not, the next words out of his mouth were, “Is that bare skin?”  I couldn’t even act offended, I was too tired.  I replied, “Yep.”  He then says, “It’s totally fine, I would expect nothing different given all that you have to do, I was just wondering if you got some new wool pants.”  Remember that thing that had to give?  There it is…my legs.  Since then I have shaved them.  Unfortunately, that was days ago.  What are you gonna do?