Wednesday, June 15, 2011




Do you see it?  That hint of mischief in her smile?  Oh yeah, it’s there.  She is trouble.


Who me? She innocently says…


Yes, you!

Because of your monkey-like antics, you have forced my hand to do something that anyone who knows me, knows that I hate! 


This is my kitchen table.  Missing something?  Chairs.


This is my laundry room/bathroom.  Seem a little squishy in there?  It is.  Chairs do not belong in the laundry room.  Josie’s constant climbing has left me no choice but to remove the chairs and put them somewhere where she can’t reach them, otherwise, she is constantly climbing on them, getting wedged between them and the table, and of course, standing and trying to jump while on top of the table. 

Will protested last night when we all stood and ate our spaghetti, but it is a battle I’m not fighting with her anymore, and he will have to get on board.  Besides, I’m sure that standing while you eat helps with digestion or something.  Really, this is a blessing in disguise Smile


AnnaMarie said...

Ha! You could pull them out for meals, you know. Funny girl. And yes, I agree: she's trouble!

Kali said...

you're so funny! she is so cute!

Megan said...

She climbs on us while we eat! She climbs out of her own chair too. Trouble!

The Gray Gang said...

I about died one morning when I got out of the shower and Julia was standing on the edge of the table. Little rebel Josie!!! I'm sure your digestive systems will be working like never before when you can finally put your chairs back in... 18ish months!!! I'm sure your burning calories by standing while eating too. All I see is benefits.