aka…Mr. Gigglesworth. He hates when Josh calls him that, but secretly, he loves it. What kid doesn’t secretly love the nickname their parent’s give them?! Take me for example. My parent’s gave me the name of Megan. What a glorious name to make nicknames out of! You can use the prefix “Mega” for a multitude of things. i.e.: Mega-awesome, Mega-pretty, Mega-funny. Do you think that’s what my dad called me? Nope. He rotated between two suffixes. “Poo” and “Ton”. Not only was I called Poo, but with the combination of my name I became a gigantic poo. “Mega-poo”. I was called it all the time. For an already body conscious kid I also got to carry around with me the title of “Mega-ton”. Truthfully, I never minded. My family still calls me these names, and strangely it sounds nicer to me than when they just call me Megan. So get over it Isaac! Mr. Gigglesworth is here to stay. So is Boo, and Bear. We can’t help it, it’s just who you are.

Six year old Isaac often reminds me a bit of this guy. He is figuring out boundaries. Trying to assert independence, and resists affection like a porcupine under attack. Thankfully, I know this is something you just need to go through. Will did it, except he turned into Eeyore. It’s part of growing up. An unprepared mother may find herself falling victim to your defenses, much like this guy.

Not me. I see right through it. Thankfully, I recognize that you don’t want to impale me with your grumpy attitude barbs, and whiny and complaining prickles, you are just a kid, and that’s what you do…for now. Heavenly Father let’s me know that you just need to be handled with care, and soon enough, you’ll change back into this guy.

I know what you’re thinking. Is that really an improvement? Yes, yes it is.
Of course, I kid. I started this blog for family in Utah, but since a small fraction of them read it, I’ve kept it up for our own family’s records. As my kids go back and read this, they need to know that there are times when things are challenging. Isaac, you can be a big turd right now. BUT, when you decide to lay down the attitude. You crack us up! You are so sweet to Josie. You treat her with gentleness. Daddy and I are sure that you are destined to be an investment banker. Your love of Monopoly is ridiculous for a six year old kid. You love money. You love to have it. You love to talk about it. You love to figure things out in terms of money. So yes, an investment banker, or a plumber. You also really like potty talk, so, perhaps it could go either way?
You are smart. You have a quick wit, and you quickly can assess something and know just what’s going on. You are my best helper in the kitchen. So eager to help me cook. I promise one day, I will let you crack an egg on your own. You love to play any and all board/card games. You would choose that over video games any time. Your tenacious ways proves to be an asset on the football field when you are relentless in hunting down and making the tackle. What makes me remember you are still just six is that at night when we read
The Witches on your bed you cuddle up close and hide your face in my arm at times when it gets scary. So, you're a porcupine sometimes. Big deal. You are half Gardner after all. They are all porcupines at times too, but they love to joke around and have fun, and have big caring hearts. You should also know, they can be big turds as well. We love you Isaac, prickles and all!